Getting Started

Learn the basics so you can start making sales
What is a conjunctional agreement?
A conjunctional sale occurs when one agency has exclusive rights to a listing (an agency agreement is signed), and a different real estate agency finds a willing buyer for the property.
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Am I working for The Listings Factory?
Being a member of The Listings Factory does not mean you’re employed by or contracted us. In fact, it is simply a membership that gives you access to our listings.
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How much is my commission?
One of the most exciting parts of being a selling agent, commissions!
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Can I advertise/market The Listings Factory listings?
As part of the T&Cs, you are not to advertise listings publicly or contact vendors directly.
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Who to ask when I have questions about a listing?
Our team is here to help you with any and all questions you may have.
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How to find listings?
Use the different search features available to find the right listing for your buyers.
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Can’t find the right answer?
If you don’t see what’s on your mind, reach out to us anytime onour live chat or email.
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